Hey guys!
I fucking love your site, it has opened up my ears to so much great new music! Check out the following releases and see if they might be worth putting up on your page:
haha pues qe chido qe les guste su humilde blog.. i pues bueno.. aqi el carnal dice "And I dont know if this is ska enough for your site but might be worth checking out:"
pues si.. la neta este demo yo ya lo tenia :P .. haha es algo asi como electropunk o.. como si mezclaran a intro5pect y canon law.. bueno a eso me suena haha pero aqi el carnalito dice ke es " Punk Drum and Bass Ska " suena chido.. pero mejor lean ustedes mismos la informacion de su space:
Ez all, From the cradle to the rave.. is my punk/dnb/hiphop solo project. Started in late 2008 and drawing from my previous and other ongoing musical enevours, (My Own Religion, Cot Death, Capitol 1212 and The Infekted) this is my audio equivalent of a punk rock battle jacket, Ive glued and safety pinned my favourite genres together, and decorated that shit with pins and patches of my heros. Punk, Politics, Ethics and Digital Do It Yourself. Drop me a comment or hit me up on my blog@riotstep.com and let me know what you think. -INFKTD X
1 The War Rages On
2 Death Throes feat Dead Subverts
3 The Horror feat Profisee
4 Rally Up! Resist!